European council is one of the 7 EU institutions, as it is not a legislative
body it does not negotiate or adopt EU laws, its main role is to determine the
EU general political direction and priorities in other words setting the political agenda for the European Union. The Council meets at least 4 times a year and additional meetings can be held for urgent matters. In this meetings the members of the council adopt conclusions that identify issues of concern for the EU and set particular
actions to take or goals to reach.
Ahead of the European Council meeting, the President of the European Council drafts guidelines for the conclusions. These are then discussed at the General Affairs Council and later adopted at the European Council meeting. Generally, conclusions are adopted by consensus between all EU member states, but by unanimity or qualified majority in some cases. Only heads of state or government can vote.
Now that we know how decisions are made let's analyze the on what objectives the European Council focus:
Ahead of the European Council meeting, the President of the European Council drafts guidelines for the conclusions. These are then discussed at the General Affairs Council and later adopted at the European Council meeting. Generally, conclusions are adopted by consensus between all EU member states, but by unanimity or qualified majority in some cases. Only heads of state or government can vote.
The European Council in a meeting |
Now that we know how decisions are made let's analyze the on what objectives the European Council focus:
growth and competitiveness - this is focused on economic growth, increase
investment and create more and better jobs.
2.Empowering and protecting citizens - the
European Council highlights priorities that would unlock opportunities for EU
citizens, as well as deal with issues such as poverty and social exclusion.
Particular actions include: continuing the drive against youth unemployment
action to deal with tax evasion and tax fraud.
and climate policies - the council underlines the need to lower dependency on fuel and gas
imports and to build affordable, secure and sustainable energy within the EU.
The main priorities include: completion of the EU energy market diversification
of EU energy supplies and routes and the development of energy infrastructure
setting ambitious climate change targets for 2030 and continuing to lead the
fight against climate change.
security and justice - another objective is to underline the importance of good EU cooperation on security
issues like terrorism and managing migration flows. Very important point as
seen in the recent refugee crisis and the increase of Islamic terrorist acts in
European cities.
5.The EU as
a strong global actor - the
European Council calls on the EU to ensure its strong engagement in world
affairs, highlighting in particular the following priorities, ensuring
consistency between member states' and EU foreign policy goals promoting
stability, prosperity and democracy in
the countries closest to the EU. This objective has been strongly damaged by
the Brexit and the recent raise in anti-EU parties in some countries.
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